About the Artist
“It is my intention to translate the world I see into sculpture, into some form that I can relate to, that I hope others can relate to and to give form to an idea or feeling. It may start with a gesture, a landscape, a laugh, a sad event, or a wonderful memory. To attempt to create a complete effect, I often combine humor with a sense of sincerity or gravity, perhaps through a title or the sculpture itself or a combination of the two.”
North Pownal, Vermont native Gregory Smith began his sculpture studies with Isaac Witkin and Brower Hatcher at Bennington College, and later studied with Paul Aschenbach at the University of Vermont.
Smith has worked with wood, clay and bronze, but his media of choice is welded steel and more recently, copper. His sculptures are at once both whimsical and entirely serious, reserved yet resonant. His use of line creates a sense of solidity while letting the space breathe, setting up a dialogue between the line and the negative space, and his use and application of color give an added sense of depth and dimension.
For nearly a decade, Smith shared a New York City welding studio with sculptors Willard Boepple and James Wolfe. Since 1988, he has resided and worked in Vermont showing his sculpture in New York and throughout the United States. His work has been exhibited at the American Academy of Arts and Letters in New York and included nine times in the annual outdoor sculpture exhibit at Chesterwood, the estate of Daniel Chester French in Stockbridge, Mass. He has received numerous awards for his work including the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Award for outdoor sculpture from the Silvermine Guild in New Canaan,Conn., and three awards from the Mohawk - Hudson Regional Exhibition in Albany, NY. An exhibit "Gregory Smith - Wall Sculpture: The First Twenty-five Years", was presented by the Bennington Museum in 2005. Smith received the 'Best in Show' award at the 14th Annual National Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition in Charleston, S.C. in 2019.
The Wealth of Fools', a large stainless steel sculpture is currently on view in front of the Vermont Council on the Arts headquarters in Montpelier, Vermont through August of 2022.
Mr. Smith's sculptures range in size from small table pieces to large outdoor works. He also makes wall sculptures in varying sizes.
Studio visits are available by appointment. (802) 823-5356.